
Healthy Families
Redeemer Launches Church Planting Project

Redeemer City to City Launches Church Planting Project in New York Based in Manhattan, Redeemer City to…

Healthy Families
Uplift Provides Learning Centers

Uplift Education Serves Children of Front Line & Essential Workers When the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to…

Healthy Families
Property Acquisition Expands Collaborative

Community School and Family Village Possible Through Property Acquisition Lumin Education is part of the original group…

Youth Formation
Young Life Opens Texas Camp

Young Life’s First Texas Camp Welcomes Youth with Disabilities Many children and youth with disabilities that participate…

Youth Mental Health
Genesis Expands Counseling Services

Genesis Expands Services with New Children’s Trauma Counseling Center The City of Dallas has a growing unmet…

The Fight to End Human Trafficking

The Fight to End Human Trafficking, Modern-Day Slavery in India & Uganda Modern-day slavery persists all around…

Disability Inclusion
Camp Sweeney Medical Facility

Camp Sweeney to Build State-of-the-Art Medical Facility Each summer Camp Sweeney welcomes approximately 400 North Texas campers…

Child Protection
Alliance for Children Expands

Alliance for Children Expands to Serve More Children in North Texas Child advocacy centers play a crucial…

Animal Welfare
Operation Kindness Opens Medical Wing

Operation Kindness Opens Rees-Jones Foundation Medical Wing On Thursday, March 12, 2020 members of The Rees-Jones Foundation…

Animal Welfare
Operation Kindness: Binx’s Story

Operation Kindness does not play favorites, however, Binx stole the hearts of OPK’s staff with her rambunctious…

Animal Welfare
Operation Kindness: Tiger Lily’s Story

Mother’s Day came early for sweet Tiger Lily. She came to Operation Kindness in September of 2019…

Community Benefit
Impact Story: Texas 2036

Texas 2036 is planning for the future of Texas. To protect the miracle of Texas and to…