Welcome to 2025
By Adrian Cook, Director of Research & Evaluation
“But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.” Psalm 103: 17-18 (ESV)
This past Christmas, many of us gave and received gifts. As we presented each other with thoughtful presents we were reminded that God shared a timeless gift with humanity in his physical presence and life in this world. Jesus Christ came on a mission that was motivated by “steadfast love.”
At the start of 2025, it is worth reflecting that the steadfast love of the Lord motivates the philanthropic giving of The Rees-Jones Foundation. In our own way, we celebrate Christmas all year! We have often spoken and written about our motivation to serve God and see that others experience the love of God. But we do not make grants as just one-time responses to need and then move on unaffected. We are moved to make grants within the larger context of the Lord’s steadfast love that is from “everlasting to everlasting.”
The branding of the Foundation is a star that that has expanding rays, symbolizing that one act of kindness leads to a cascade of acts of kindness that expand beyond the direct reach of the Foundation. We believe that as we make grants, the impact is wider and, most importantly, is a part of God’s expression of steadfast love.
In 2025, The Foundation will support the welfare of children and opportunities for them to grow in character and knowledge. We will work to improve the lives of youth with disabilities, both in North Texas and in Africa. In India and Uganda, we will seek to free families from modern-day slavery. And, we will be continue to advance the effort to make our community safe for companion animals and residents.
The love of God holds firm through adversity and always has a divine purpose. And this love is fixed on humanity. What is more, this is an eternal mission. The Foundation’s philanthropic gifts in 2025 are a part of this greater mission.
We celebrate that God has a righteous and everlasting mission in this world, and that our gifts are part of a cascading expression of God’s love in 2025 and beyond.