Stories & Insights

Ideas and inspiration from The Foundation and our faithful grantees.

The Impact of Giving On Well-Being

By Sara Meyers, Communications Specialist

The Apostle Paul once wrote, “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Are His words referring to eternal benefits or was this something tangible we could see in our daily lives in the here and now?

From the perspective of The Rees-Jones Foundation, the benefit of giving (or “serving God by serving others” as the mission suggests) is something staff have the opportunity to enjoy regularly. Whether Cure International is performing clubfoot surgeries in Ethiopia, children’s advocacy centers are offering counseling services to children impacted by abuse and neglect, or companion animals are learning how to faithfully serve children with disabilities, The Foundation witnesses the innovative work of its nonprofit partners every day.

As these organizations create solutions to meet needs, communities are being transformed and those of us involved receive pure joy at seeing humans flourish. On an individual level, can this same joy or benefit be experienced when we give? Recent studies have shown that there are benefits to our overall health, most specifically on our mental health, when we practice generosity.

In a white paper published by the University of California-Berkeley, researchers noted that “there is a science to generosity… studies have found that people are happier when spending [resources] on others than on themselves.” In separate research completed by Aknin, Hamlin, & Dunn, it was noted that “giving can make you happier.” In the study, young toddlers were given candy that they could share or keep to themselves in a bowl. Toddlers who shared their treats with others measured higher levels of happiness than those who kept it all in their own bowls.

The Cleveland Clinic noted separately that any type of giving, including random acts of kindness, volunteering, or monetary donations, all “correlated with decreased stress, lower blood pressure levels and less incidence of depression.” As The Foundation continues to focus on ways to improve children’s mental health, it is noteworthy that in both children and adults, a focus on others has greater benefits to mental health and overall well-being than a dominant focus on self.

Mary Anne Radmacher says it this way, “As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.” The Rees-Jones Foundation is grateful to experience “light” as  it witnesses nonprofit partners across North Texas and around the world “create light” for children and families everyday.

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