Paint Project Helps Children with Clubfoot

Paint Project Helps Children with Clubfoot Hope Walks Invites Groups to Paint Corrective Braces for …
World Clubfoot Day Celebrates the Birth of Ignacio Ponseti, a Pioneer in Clubfoot Treatment

World Clubfoot Day Celebrates the Birth of Ignacio Ponseti, a Pioneer in Clubfoot Treatment Many Infants…
Seek Justice, Encourage the Oppressed

Seek Justice, Encourage the Oppressed December is Universal Human Rights Month The United Nations…
2019 Summary of Grants

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE This Annual Summary is about 2019. Its purpose is to reflect on the work of the …
The Foundation’s Dedication to Clubfoot Relief

The Foundation’s Dedication to Clubfoot Relief “Start children off on the way they should go, and even…
Defending the Oppressed – Jan and Trevor Rees-Jones

This story was a collaborative effort between International Justice Mission and The Rees-Jones Foundation,…