Stories & Insights

Ideas and inspiration from The Foundation and our faithful grantees.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Rees-Jones Foundation COVID-19 Response

During this time of need, The Rees-Jones Foundation remains committed to the North Texas community. To address urgent needs, The Foundation has invited nonprofit organizations in North Texas who are serving the vulnerable population most impacted by COVID-19 to submit a request for funding. 115 requests have been received and are under consideration or have been acted upon as of May 7, 2020.

The Foundation continues to work closely with its board to ensure that request decisions on urgent requests are timely and based on the evolving needs of the community.

The Foundation has awarded the following grants:

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas – $15,000

Their mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need them most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Funding will support their grab-n-go lunch initiative, which is distributing 200 meals to club members and the community at-large each weekday through several of their clubhouse locations. Based on the discovered need, BGCD is also now providing breakfast items for children, thus doubling the number of meals served. Additionally, BGCD is distributing backpacks filled with extra food on Fridays to help families through the weekend.

Brighter Bites – $25,000

Their mission is to create communities of health through fresh food. Brighter Bites delivers fresh fruits and vegetables directly into families’ hands and teaches them how to use the food and track their behavior change.

Funding will support their ability to provide fresh food to families while school is out as food banks are unable to consistently provide fresh options. BB is partnering with the YMCA and smaller agencies like Casa del Lago to provide produce to almost 1,000 families each week. BB is also delivering food to sites like apartment complexes where families do not have vehicles. Due to their food rescue efforts, BB is able to consistently provide fresh food – BB rescued 50,000 pounds of produce during a 10-day period in April.

Buckner Children and Family Services – $40,000

Their mission is to protect children, promote independence, and build strong families through Christ-centered values. Buckner’s goal is to help every child find hope and healing through family foster care or permanency through reunification with kin or through the blessing of adoption.

Funding will provide financial assistance to Buckner’s kinship foster care families for the purchase of groceries and personal items, and rent and utilities payment. Many of Buckner’s family placements are struggling financially due to reduced work hours or job loss. This assistance will ensure the children placed in kinship substitute care can remain with their family members.

Dallas Afterschool – $6,000

Their mission is to level the playing field for children of all races and economic backgrounds by building a sustainable ecosystem of high quality out-of-school programs.

Funding will enable Dallas Afterschool to provide training and guidance to their 150 out of school time (OST) agency partners so that the agencies can safely re-open youth programming in the community. DAS will train agencies on how and when to reopen their programs, properly clean their spaces, and work with students in ways that meet CDC guidelines and other health regulations.

For the Nations Refuge – $30,000

Their mission is to provide educational and family services that help meet the practical needs of refugees and to share with them the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Funding will provide short-term rental assistance to refugee families experiencing financial hardship due to job loss or reduced hours. Funds will also support FtN’s Drive thru Days, where families can access food, diapers, and hygiene products.

KIPP Texas – $100,000

Their mission is to provide tuition-free, academically excellent schools that prepare students to pursue college, career, and beyond. As a leading charter school district serving primarily poverty level students, KIPP not only focuses on academics, but also the social concerns of their students and families.

Funding will enable KIPP to serve the families of their poverty-level students with financial assistance to support basic needs such as rental payments and medical care. Through their newly established COVID-19 and Beyond Fund, KIPP is well positioned to be able to serve over 1,200 families in their North Texas school community.

Metrocrest Services – $25,000

Their mission is to provide programs for individuals, families, and seniors that lead to self-sufficiency and foster independence in Carrollton, Farmers Branch, Addison, Coppell, and Dallas. Their services include case management, rent and utility assistance, food pantry, budget and financial education, workforce development, and senior services such as home delivered meals, transportation, and minor home repairs.

Funding will help Metrocrest meet the increased demand for their food pantry and rental assistance program. Metrocrest is the only full service food pantry in the Farmers Branch area, and thus, has seen a 56 percent increase in demand since last month. Additionally, Metrocrest has received 300 percent more requests for rental and utility assistance in April compared to April of last year.

St. Phillips School and Community Center – $50,000

Their mission is to provide an unparalleled education and compatible community services through a faith-based experience, with emphasis on serving low- and moderate-income families.

Funding will enable St. Phillips to make technology acquisitions for distance learning, and provide expanded tuition subsidy for low-income families. Traditionally, 55 percent of families receive substantial tuition subsidy each year, and the school anticipates an increased level of tuition assistance will be required for the coming school year as many families are experiencing financial stress due to the current economic environment.

Vogel Alcove – $25,000

Their mission is to help young children overcome the lasting and traumatic effects of homelessness. Their work consists of three major, therapeutic programs: Early Childhood Services, School-Age Services and Family Support. 

Funding will help Vogel Alcove deliver food and hygiene products to the vulnerable families they serve. Since this meal program began, Vogel Alcove has consistently delivered 1,300 meals each week. Additionally, funds will support their Summer “Gap” Camp, which has opened early to serve the kiddos of parents deemed essential workers. With school out, these children lack a safe place to go during the day, and camp provides them with exercise, meals (breakfast, lunch, snacks), and intellectual stimulation.

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