Stories & Insights

Ideas and inspiration from The Foundation and our faithful grantees.

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The Foundation’s grant making activity in 2010 reached a high water mark in our brief history; almost $57 million in grants approved in 2010. This level of activity came about as the result of the Foundation’s desire to participate in significant ways in several key projects described below.
As we have said in prior letters, one of our highest priorities is addressing the needs of children at risk in our community, especially those who find themselves in situations of abuse or neglect. The Foundation is determined to assist those agencies who stand on the front lines bringing relief to these children. One of these agencies, the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, desperately needs more space to conduct investigations and provide counseling and other services that will put abused and neglected children on the way to healing. Another, Dallas CASA, needs more space to equip and support volunteer advocates to walk with these children through the long process of rescue and recovery. The Foundation has strongly supported the expansion in capacity of these two organizations through their respective capital campaigns.
Also of importance are programs which promote the education and the development of the moral character of our children, which will help break the cycles of poverty and abuse that have plagued our society. We remain excited about the educational experience that is going to be offered by the new Perot Museum of Nature & Science, now under construction and pictured in this report. It will inspire countless young people to probe new concepts and learn more about the world in which they live. Similarly, the Rory Meyers Children’s Garden at the Dallas Arboretum will offer hands-on experience to children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to see, touch and experience life sciences in an actual living museum and classroom. These two projects will add value to our city for generations.
Character development in children and youth is becoming another one of our top priorities, so increasingly, we will be evaluating programs on the degree to which they promote the development of high moral character and teach ethics and personal responsibility. Our grants in 2010 show this emphasis, from the unprecedented gift to the Boy Scouts to the gift made to The First Tee. We applaud these and other organizations that not only provide for the education or recreation of our children but also teach them fundamental principles of morality, ethics and personal responsibility.
Finally, you will notice in this report a greater emphasis on international projects. Although our principal geographical focus is North Texas, as a Christian organization we find it impossible to neglect the needs of our global community, especially basic human needs such as clean water, medical care and access to justice. We are proud to be partners with CURE International, Living Water International and International Justice Mission and support the important work they do throughout the world as they act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
Thornton Hardie, President

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